nervous system
Wellbeing Magazine feature at the Intersection of Science and Spirit with Dr. Kaushik Ram
In a recent interview with Wellbeing Magazine’s Lolita Walters I talk about the brain-body connection at the intersection of science and spirit. As a Neuroscientist, I have gone against the grain to develop my frameworks from scratch to not only satisfy the intellect but speaks deeply to our soul. I do this with respect to the…
Read MoreShocking Truth about Meditation – Mistakes Most People Make!
In this post I’m going to share with you some common myths that people have about meditation and provide some deep insight on how valuable meditation is. I’ll share with you a little personal journey to begin with. I wasn’t always in this calm and relaxed state. When I was growing up, especially in my…
Read MoreNeuralink Unleashed: Explosive Power of Rewiring Consciousness
The FDA approved Elon Musk’s Neuralink to begin brain implants on people on the 25th of May this year. In Elon’s own words, Neuralink is chip that is implanted in the brain to control the mind. But Why? Elon Musk is driven by the mission to expand the scope and scale of consciousness and this…
Read MoreScience vs Reality – Psychedelic Assisted Therapy is a Lie
When it come to psychedelics, scientists are either for or against it’s use. There is very little in between. In the recent Netflix documentary on psychedelics called How to Change your Mind, there isn’t a single scientist that gives an opposing view. When you see a documentary with this level of bias, it is easy…
Read MoreCraftsmanship of Thought: Top 10 Ingredients to END Procrastination
There is a timeless formula to the execution of thought. There are however genuine reasons to why the first step is the hardest to take and and the resistance it creates is called procrastination. In this video I share the Top 10 ingredients to melt away this resistance through: The Craftsmanship of Thought. #1 Dopamine…
Read MoreHealing Power of Brain-Body Connection
When it comes to healing we can do all the right things yet fail nonetheless. There is a simple reason why. What I’m about to share contains mildly graphic content but there is no other way to tell it otherwise the rest of the video will not make sense. In this picture you see a scar,…
Read MoreWatch this before going on psychiatric medication
In this video I’ll share with you the baffling reason why psychiatry still doesn’t have an accurate picture of mental health let alone how to treat it. But before we begin, I want to provide you with some context. In 2006, I was living an ordinary life, free of complications until I experienced heartbreak for…
Read MoreRAPID Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to REPAIR Trauma Response
In this post I’ll share with how to rapidly repair your trauma response in real-time using heart rate variability. Follow the steps till the end and you’ll find that the exercise works not only for trauma but is deeply beneficial for navigating every day threats such dealing with traffic, getting impatient when someone is running late…
Read MoreOverthinking: this will CLEAR your Brain Fog
Overthinking is inevitable when we are unable to find a break from our own thoughts. The solution than is rather simple – take a break – weather it is taking a walk, making a cup of tea or taking a moment to looking out the window. To explain why this is the simplest yet simultaneously…
Read MoreNaturally rewire the anxious brain using vagal breathing
Anxiety has the ability to mentally disable us in an instant however, far too often anxiety runs in the background and the tricks it plays on us are far more subtle. In this post I will show you how to use vagal breathing to rewire your brain from an anxious state and how to reengineer…
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