Posts Tagged ‘vagal tone’

Healing Power of Brain-Body Connection

When it comes to healing we can do all the right things yet fail nonetheless. There is a simple reason why. What I’m about to share contains mildly graphic content but there is no other way to tell it otherwise the rest of the video will not make sense. In this picture you see a scar,…

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Naturally rewire the anxious brain using vagal breathing

Anxiety has the ability to mentally disable us in an instant however, far too often anxiety runs in the background and the tricks it plays on us are far more subtle. In this post I will show you how to use vagal breathing to rewire your brain from an anxious state and how to reengineer…

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7 ways to stimulate the power of the vagus nerve

It was 2013, I was 29 years old and in peak physical shape. I had a regular meditation practice and I had been doing yoga without fail every morning for the last 3 years. You may think that I am about to mention that something bad happened. It didn’t. It just got better. Let me…

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