Nuclear Family
The Science Delusion – Revisited
January 2013, Rupert Sheldrake did a TEDx talk on the Science Delusion which received numerous pushback from scientists for claims they viewed as pseudoscientific. For a long time, I could not watch this talk because it put my own career in question. Until my own TEDx talk was banned and I forced myself to investigate. I encourage…
Read MoreGen Alpha – First Generation of Undeveloped Personalities
With less Sophistication, Life becomes Simpler and Truer ~ Michael Balint (1968) Gen Alpha has been described as Digital Natives, Screenagers and Children of Millennials. Each generation differs from the previous in their relationship to technology, with Baby Boomers benefiting from the Industrial Revolution and Millennials gaining geographic, financial and temporal freedom with the Information Age. For…
Read MoreQuick Guide to Supporting a Loved One with Mental Illness
The sickness of the mind is self-created. That only you can get yourself out of. The reality is that when you take depression, anxiety, substance abuse and trauma all together – you are easily reaching 80% of the population. In this video I’m going to talk about how to support a loved one who is…
Read MoreFuture of nuclear families critically endangered?
I was at a workplace conference recently, and a woman came up on stage and proudly declared – there is no such thing as a nuclear family. This is a lie. In this post, I’ll explain why. A nuclear family refers to the traditional family that forms the nucleus or core bonds between parents…
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