Posts Tagged ‘Love’
How LOVE Transcends TIME
Any one who travels returns with a undefined grief that they have changed yet the people they left behind have not. The fact that life moves on with or without you creates a temporal void. A gap that we will bridge by the end of this post. This temporal distortion is perhaps best depicted in…
Read MoreHealing Power of Brain-Body Connection
When it comes to healing we can do all the right things yet fail nonetheless. There is a simple reason why. What I’m about to share contains mildly graphic content but there is no other way to tell it otherwise the rest of the video will not make sense. In this picture you see a scar,…
Read More7 ways to stimulate the power of the vagus nerve
It was 2013, I was 29 years old and in peak physical shape. I had a regular meditation practice and I had been doing yoga without fail every morning for the last 3 years. You may think that I am about to mention that something bad happened. It didn’t. It just got better. Let me…
Read MoreEnd of an Affair
There was no tragedy, only the unavoidable. Why then, during all this time do I beseech? The question conflicts with the mind. The answer appears without it. You only know yourself when you go beyond your limits. In a fraction of a second, you can become noone. And this being something new, can lead to an adventure…
Read MoreThe dilemma of the living
To be born is a miracle. Then what? The truth is beautiful but terrible. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. The trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them. – Dumbledore. In life we suffer. We suffer because we distract ourselves…
Read MoreDisconnect to Reconnect
What have we gained from our modern existence? What have primitive cultures been in relentless defiance to preserve? Is it fire making, shelter building, hunting and foraging skills? Why look for food when you can buy them? Why make clothes or furniture when these can easily be purchased online? Why gather around a fire when the internet is accessible through…
Read MoreGenuine expression of Emotion
Emotions are neither Good nor Bad. But then, why do we have emotions in the first place? We often find ourselves driven by media dictated images, preferred standards of behavior and selective social trends. However – where is the space to express your true emotions. Why is there discomfort in expressing what we really feel?…
Read MoreDivine Schedule
Once the inward journey is complete, its time for the outward journey to begin. In today’s goal oriented societies, it is often a pragmatic obsession to have defined order, to schedule, to calculate your best options and to set goals to strive for. However, fixating on plans and constructs that define your path, give you…
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