Posts Tagged ‘Brain’
Wellbeing Magazine feature at the Intersection of Science and Spirit with Dr. Kaushik Ram
In a recent interview with Wellbeing Magazine’s Lolita Walters I talk about the brain-body connection at the intersection of science and spirit. As a Neuroscientist, I have gone against the grain to develop my frameworks from scratch to not only satisfy the intellect but speaks deeply to our soul. I do this with respect to the…
Read MoreHow LOVE Transcends TIME
Any one who travels returns with a undefined grief that they have changed yet the people they left behind have not. The fact that life moves on with or without you creates a temporal void. A gap that we will bridge by the end of this post. This temporal distortion is perhaps best depicted in…
Read MoreHealing Power of Brain-Body Connection
When it comes to healing we can do all the right things yet fail nonetheless. There is a simple reason why. What I’m about to share contains mildly graphic content but there is no other way to tell it otherwise the rest of the video will not make sense. In this picture you see a scar,…
Read More7 ways to stimulate the power of the vagus nerve
It was 2013, I was 29 years old and in peak physical shape. I had a regular meditation practice and I had been doing yoga without fail every morning for the last 3 years. You may think that I am about to mention that something bad happened. It didn’t. It just got better. Let me…
Read MoreHow to circuit-break the nervous system to release pain
We do everything we shouldn’t to manage pain. It does not matter if the pain is physical or emotional, the nervous system treats it all the same. Pain is inevitable but instead of showing us how to work with pain, we are instead shown a world of rainbows and unicorns – a Fairytale that does…
Read MoreTrain your nervous system to Sync Brain and Body
We are born without fear, but we inherit it nonetheless. When we look at the greats however, we know in our hearts that we are one of them. All of us know what it is like to figure life out on our own. When we begin our journey, we get told to do well at…
Read MoreAddiction to thought?
In a recent interview with Tedx Sydney I talk about the epidemic of chronic thinking. Below are my direct responses. Interviewed by Tedx Sydney writer Karla Daly (KD). KD – How does overthinking and underthinking affect us? Can we find peace in the middle of it? KR: Thinking is an Art-form that gets structured depending…
Read MoreCan we self-heal emotional pain like physical injuries?
Ancient structures are relics of our imagination. Archeology reveals a cognitive history, but perhaps thoughts are not the only products of the brain. The brain indulges in time while the body is left to figure out this moment. Culture ensures that values are passed on, yet less well preserved is the capacity of our own biology.…
Read MoreNear Life-Experience – explained
We live a near-life experience until death comes to greet us. If we are lucky that is and it is then that we are reminded of the value of life. There are stories that we believe in that keep our reality the same, doesn’t matter how big we dream and how much we work…
Read MoreOutsource thinking to the subconscious
When identical twin Brenton Gurney, 38, spoke to me about having a premonitions when his brother was in a life threatening situation, I did not think much of it. Brenton had come to our brain research lab to undergo a series of psychological and cognitive tests including EEG and MRI. While I was…
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