
Healing Power of Brain-Body Connection

When it comes to healing we can do all the right things yet fail nonetheless. There is a simple reason why. What I’m about to share contains mildly graphic content but there is no other way to tell it otherwise the rest of the video will not make sense. In this picture you see a scar,…

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Demystifying the Intelligence of the Heart

When we are true to our heart, we are at our most powerful, why then do we go against it? This internal conflict, boils beneath the surface of every person, whether they are aware of it or not. In this video, I will show you how love dissolves this internal conflict of interest to create a…

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Neuroprotective Exercises for Mental Health

Why is exercise neuroprotective and how can we use it to improve the structural and functional integrity of the brain to protect against neurodegenerative conditions and improve our mental health? In this post you will see how integrating the 3-key pieces of peak performance leads to full Mind-Body Mastery. Let’s get clear on this –…

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RAPID Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback to REPAIR Trauma Response

In this post I’ll share with how to rapidly repair your trauma response in real-time using heart rate variability. Follow the steps till the end and you’ll find that the exercise works not only for trauma but is deeply beneficial for navigating every day threats such dealing with traffic, getting impatient when someone is running late…

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On Love, Drugs and other lies about enhancing performance.

The very act of micro-dosing is a biological lie that the body is told to believe in. We live in a culture where the bar is constantly being raised. A culture that is constantly in competition even against itself to beat their own personal best. This performance addiction is fairly common in high achievers and…

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7 ways to stimulate the power of the vagus nerve

It was 2013, I was 29 years old and in peak physical shape. I had a regular meditation practice and I had been doing yoga without fail every morning for the last 3 years. You may think that I am about to mention that something bad happened. It didn’t. It just got better. Let me…

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Outsource thinking to the subconscious

When identical twin Brenton Gurney, 38, spoke to me about having a premonitions when his brother was in a life threatening situation, I did not think much of it.      Brenton had come to our brain research lab to undergo a series of psychological and cognitive tests including EEG and MRI. While I was…

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