Traditional Family

The Science Delusion – Revisited

January 2013, Rupert Sheldrake did a TEDx talk on the Science Delusion which received numerous pushback from scientists for claims they viewed as pseudoscientific. For a long time, I could not watch this talk because it put my own career in question. Until my own TEDx talk was banned and I forced myself to investigate. I encourage…

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Quick Guide to Supporting a Loved One with Mental Illness

The sickness of the mind is self-created. That only you can get yourself out of. The reality is that when you take depression, anxiety, substance abuse and trauma all together – you are easily reaching 80% of the population. In this video I’m going to talk about how to support a loved one who is…

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Future of nuclear families critically endangered?

I was at a workplace conference recently, and a woman came up on stage and proudly declared – there is no such thing as a nuclear family. This is a lie. In this post, I’ll explain why.   A nuclear family refers to the traditional family that forms the nucleus or core bonds between parents…

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