
Instinct – Find It In You

Please note – words in bold are explained in the glossary section below. Since the moment the Animal is born in the Wilderness, it is subjected to the laws of nature. In order to survive, the Animal discovers that it has been granted a musculo-skeletal structure. By instinct, the Animal starts moving towards food. The Animal uses its senses…

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The Awakening – Tarzan to Neo

In 1971, Mr. Ian Waterman, age 19 at the time, had a spontaneous autoimmune reaction.  3 days later IW woke up in hospital and came to the shocking realization that he had “lost his body”. IW was diagnosed with Deafferentation – a complete loss of proprioceptive feedback (a background process constantly updating the position of our body in space). Over…

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Disconnect to Reconnect

What have we gained from our modern existence? What have primitive cultures been in relentless defiance to preserve? Is it fire making, shelter building, hunting and foraging skills? Why look for food when you can buy them? Why make clothes or furniture when these can easily be purchased online? Why gather around a fire when the internet is accessible through…

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The Human Body – An Instrument for the State of Flow

We work tirelessly to manage our busy lives while taking care of our body acquires a secondary priority. When our body’s take the backseat in our lives, it begins to accumulate physical ailments such as chronic back pain, weak joints and mental aliments such as depression, anxiety and ADHD. By bringing our awareness back into the…

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Fearless Creativity

In the age of Digital Health Care, brain training solutions are becoming increasingly common to improve mental performance and emotional stability. Today, you can download Apps on your phone to reduce stress, generate positive thoughts, increase focus, boost memory and even counsel relationships! These appealing brain training Apps are based on data-driven science that are built…

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Genuine expression of Emotion

Emotions are neither Good nor Bad. But then, why do we have emotions in the first place? We often find ourselves driven by media dictated images, preferred standards of behavior and selective social trends. However – where is the space to express your true emotions. Why is there discomfort in expressing what we really feel?…

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Divine Schedule

Once the inward journey is complete, its time for the outward journey to begin. In today’s goal oriented societies, it is often a pragmatic obsession to have defined order, to schedule, to calculate your best options and to set goals to strive for. However, fixating on plans and constructs that define your path, give you…

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Uncertainty free Decisions

With a world full of possibilities, we are often faced with the fortunate frustration of having too many choices. How many times have you made a decision to please someone and ended up not enjoying yourself? Is there such a thing as a right decision? What does it feel like to be free of indecision?…

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