
On Love, Drugs and other lies about enhancing performance.

The very act of micro-dosing is a biological lie that the body is told to believe in. We live in a culture where the bar is constantly being raised. A culture that is constantly in competition even against itself to beat their own personal best. This performance addiction is fairly common in high achievers and…

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Love is not a balancing act

Sudden love Love asks us to give up what we love the most. Identify what consumes your mind, what demands the most of your attention. This is what it preventing you from loving. When we surrender, love fills the space where what we think we love, once was. The human condition exists because of the…

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Disarm a wounded relationship

The wounded heart is a healing heart. If you are hurting, than you are brave. You have taken risks where others didn’t in fear of getting hurt. If you are not hurting, consider if you have numbed yourself to pain? By numbing ourselves to one emotion, we numb ourselves to other sensations, lack passion and…

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Outsource thinking to the subconscious

When identical twin Brenton Gurney, 38, spoke to me about having a premonitions when his brother was in a life threatening situation, I did not think much of it.      Brenton had come to our brain research lab to undergo a series of psychological and cognitive tests including EEG and MRI. While I was…

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End of an Affair

There was no tragedy, only the unavoidable. Why then, during all this time do I beseech? The question conflicts with the mind. The answer appears without it. You only know yourself when you go beyond your limits. In a fraction of a second, you can become noone. And this being something new, can lead to an adventure…

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The dilemma of the living

To be born is a miracle. Then what? The truth is beautiful but terrible. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. The trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them. – Dumbledore. In life we suffer. We suffer because we distract ourselves…

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Genuine expression of Emotion

Emotions are neither Good nor Bad. But then, why do we have emotions in the first place? We often find ourselves driven by media dictated images, preferred standards of behavior and selective social trends. However – where is the space to express your true emotions. Why is there discomfort in expressing what we really feel?…

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Divine Schedule

Once the inward journey is complete, its time for the outward journey to begin. In today’s goal oriented societies, it is often a pragmatic obsession to have defined order, to schedule, to calculate your best options and to set goals to strive for. However, fixating on plans and constructs that define your path, give you…

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