How LOVE Transcends TIME
Any one who travels returns with a undefined grief that they have changed yet the people they left behind have not. The fact that life moves on with or without you creates a temporal void. A gap that we will bridge by the end of this post. This temporal distortion is perhaps best depicted in…
Read MoreCraftsmanship of Thought: Top 10 Ingredients to END Procrastination
There is a timeless formula to the execution of thought. There are however genuine reasons to why the first step is the hardest to take and and the resistance it creates is called procrastination. In this video I share the Top 10 ingredients to melt away this resistance through: The Craftsmanship of Thought. #1 Dopamine…
Read MoreHealing Power of Brain-Body Connection
When it comes to healing we can do all the right things yet fail nonetheless. There is a simple reason why. What I’m about to share contains mildly graphic content but there is no other way to tell it otherwise the rest of the video will not make sense. In this picture you see a scar,…
Read MoreQuick Guide to Supporting a Loved One with Mental Illness
The sickness of the mind is self-created. That only you can get yourself out of. The reality is that when you take depression, anxiety, substance abuse and trauma all together – you are easily reaching 80% of the population. In this video I’m going to talk about how to support a loved one who is…
Read MoreFuture of nuclear families critically endangered?
I was at a workplace conference recently, and a woman came up on stage and proudly declared – there is no such thing as a nuclear family. This is a lie. In this post, I’ll explain why. A nuclear family refers to the traditional family that forms the nucleus or core bonds between parents…
Read MoreDemystifying the Intelligence of the Heart
When we are true to our heart, we are at our most powerful, why then do we go against it? This internal conflict, boils beneath the surface of every person, whether they are aware of it or not. In this video, I will show you how love dissolves this internal conflict of interest to create a…
Read MoreThe REAL reason the Unconscious holds you back
When you look deep into eyes of another and don’t see your own beauty reflected back – you know that the unconscious is holding you back. These unconscious behaviours are making every attempt to remain un-seen, putting up walls and keeping people at arms length. To be clear – the unconscious is not made up…
Read MoreThe INSANE Truth about Childhood Trauma
Childhood trauma when unspoken, remains trapped in time. Adverse childhood experiences reduces life expectancy by 20 years. Childhood trauma magnifies dysfunctional relationships. Question is – should we be paying attention to experiences that the brain has tried so desperately to cover up? If you looked at the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) score – nearly half…
Read More5 Meaningful tips to take your Mental Health to the Next Level
The Australian mental health budget for 2021 has nearly doubled that of last year at $2.3 Billion, yet there is no end to the mental health crisis in sight. It is not that science is incorrect, it is more to do with how it is applied. In this post, I’ll breakdown some of the healthcare constructs…
Read MoreDeep dive into devotion with Edo Kahn
Each month I get the honour of seeking out someone who I think is the best at what they do to help me overcome what I’m afraid of. The journey to this episode of Primal Heart began 10 years ago with Edo. Not many know that when I arrived in Australia, my heart was so…
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