On Love, Drugs and other lies about enhancing performance.
The very act of micro-dosing is a biological lie that the body is told to believe in. We live in a culture where the bar is constantly being raised. A culture that is constantly in competition even against itself to beat their own personal best. This performance addiction is fairly common in high achievers and…
Read More5 ways to apply Precognition to achieve your goals
Precognition drives the inextricable alignment of events that happen with a precision that you will not be able to recreate, even if you planned it. To be clear – precognition is not a mindset. Mindset is a thing of the past – a set of belief structures you may hold about yourself to determine behaviour, outlook…
Read MoreConquer your emotions
The first episode of my youtube series Primal Heart is out now. On this channel I feature exceptional individuals who put me to the test in their own area of expertise. I wasn’t satisfied in simply sharing stories, as the saying goes – “you can’t judge a man until you walk a mile in their…
Read More7 ways to stimulate the power of the vagus nerve
It was 2013, I was 29 years old and in peak physical shape. I had a regular meditation practice and I had been doing yoga without fail every morning for the last 3 years. You may think that I am about to mention that something bad happened. It didn’t. It just got better. Let me…
Read MoreOutsource thinking to the subconscious
When identical twin Brenton Gurney, 38, spoke to me about having a premonitions when his brother was in a life threatening situation, I did not think much of it. Brenton had come to our brain research lab to undergo a series of psychological and cognitive tests including EEG and MRI. While I was…
Read MoreEnd of an Affair
There was no tragedy, only the unavoidable. Why then, during all this time do I beseech? The question conflicts with the mind. The answer appears without it. You only know yourself when you go beyond your limits. In a fraction of a second, you can become noone. And this being something new, can lead to an adventure…
Read MoreThe dilemma of the living
To be born is a miracle. Then what? The truth is beautiful but terrible. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. The trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things that are worst for them. – Dumbledore. In life we suffer. We suffer because we distract ourselves…
Read MoreInstinct – Find It In You
Please note – words in bold are explained in the glossary section below. Since the moment the Animal is born in the Wilderness, it is subjected to the laws of nature. In order to survive, the Animal discovers that it has been granted a musculo-skeletal structure. By instinct, the Animal starts moving towards food. The Animal uses its senses…
Read MoreThe Awakening – Tarzan to Neo
In 1971, Mr. Ian Waterman, age 19 at the time, had a spontaneous autoimmune reaction. 3 days later IW woke up in hospital and came to the shocking realization that he had “lost his body”. IW was diagnosed with Deafferentation – a complete loss of proprioceptive feedback (a background process constantly updating the position of our body in space). Over…
Read MoreDisconnect to Reconnect
What have we gained from our modern existence? What have primitive cultures been in relentless defiance to preserve? Is it fire making, shelter building, hunting and foraging skills? Why look for food when you can buy them? Why make clothes or furniture when these can easily be purchased online? Why gather around a fire when the internet is accessible through…
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