
How LOVE Transcends TIME

Any one who travels returns with a undefined grief that they have changed yet the people they left behind have not. The fact that life moves on with or without you creates a temporal void. A gap that we will bridge by the end of this post. This temporal distortion is perhaps best depicted in…

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TikTok: Silent Death of Your Brain Health

Dance videos, lip syncing and throw in some viral trends and you have: TikTok. A few key events in the right order had to happen for this little know platform to explode in popularity – so much so that the established tech giants (youtube and meta) had to restructure their platform just to stay relevant.…

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Healing Power of Brain-Body Connection

When it comes to healing we can do all the right things yet fail nonetheless. There is a simple reason why. What I’m about to share contains mildly graphic content but there is no other way to tell it otherwise the rest of the video will not make sense. In this picture you see a scar,…

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Demystifying the Intelligence of the Heart

When we are true to our heart, we are at our most powerful, why then do we go against it? This internal conflict, boils beneath the surface of every person, whether they are aware of it or not. In this video, I will show you how love dissolves this internal conflict of interest to create a…

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Neuroprotective Exercises for Mental Health

Why is exercise neuroprotective and how can we use it to improve the structural and functional integrity of the brain to protect against neurodegenerative conditions and improve our mental health? In this post you will see how integrating the 3-key pieces of peak performance leads to full Mind-Body Mastery. Let’s get clear on this –…

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