Equation of Love [Official Music video]
Never in my wildest imagination did I think I’d be a Doctor and a Rockstar. This is a story all about how my first music video came about!
What is the Equation of Love?
Act 1. Agape – unconditional, unapologetic and inexhaustible.
Act 2. Philia – connection, community, tribe and family.
Act 3. Eros – romance, uncapped desire and intimacy.
The Back Story
I was walking down Bondi Beach minding my own business when a young man jumps out of nowhere and starts blocking my path saying “Lost Paradise”.
Rewind December 2018 – He happened to be at a talk I gave at Lost Paradise music festival two years ago. He was 21 back then, moved by my talk he came up to speak with me afterwards. The strange thing was that this was a music festival and I have a short attention span for small talk so I was committed to having conversations with only two people a day – this was one of them.
December 3rd 2020 – I was casually walking down Bondi Beach and this young man jumps out of nowhere. We start talking and this time exchange contact details. I later find out that he is a Hip-Hop artist. That week, I was playing with an idea – Equation of Love. Was this a poem? A book? A dance party? I wasn’t quite sure yet but the ideas were looming. I knew one thing though – it had to involve this young man named Cocoa.
December 5th 2020 – I did not hesitate to call him the next day. We met up later that week to explore this idea – Equation of Love, until it dawned upon us that this could be a song. I described how I wanted the song – I had a construct, I did not have the words. A few weeks later the beat dropped and a song was born. A moment sooner – the Equation of Love would not have been born. A moment later and the idea would simply have been a passing thought.
January 2nd 2021 – I was so blown away to hear my life’s work in a hip-hop song. This was big! I could already see it as a music video.
January 25th 2021 – Filming begins. How I got filming and the cast together comes down to the Precognition Method – a technique of foresight of my own making. The whole production process was seamless and I cannot be thankful enough for the cast and the crew for taking the music video to beyond my wildest imagination.
February 14th 2021 – The Equation of Love – Offical music video release date. Happy Valentine’s day!

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