
Question Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I was challenged, but I believe my skills would allow me to meet the challenge.
I made the correct choices without thinking to do so.
I knew clearly what I wanted to do.
It was really clear to me that I was doing well.
My attention was focused entirely on what I was doing.
I felt in total control of what I was doing.
I was not connected with what others may be thinking of me.
Time seemed to alter (either slow down or speed up).
I really enjoyed the experience.
My abilities matched the high challenge of the situation.
Things just seemed to be happening automatically.
I had a strong sense of what I needed to do.
I was aware of how well I was performing.
It was no effort to keep my mind on what I was doing.
I was not worried about my performance during the activity.
The way time passed seemed different from normal.
I love the feeling of that performance and want to capture it again.
I feel I was competent enough to meet the high demands of the situation.
I performed automatically.
I knew what I wanted to achieve.
I had total concentration.
The experience left me feeling great.
The challenge and my skills were at an equally high level.
I did things spontaneously and automatically without having to think about it.
My goals were clearly defined.
At times, it almost seemed like things were happening in slow motion.
I found the experience extremely rewarding.